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For the safety of our Teen Entrepreneur Academy (TEA) students, faculty and staff have deferred our summer camp. We look forward to resuming TEA in the future.

It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

- Elenor Roosevelt

Mission Statement: Teen Entrepreneur Academy

The purpose of the Teen Entrepreneur Academy is to educate, train and empower the next generation of honorable entrepreneurs (TeenPreneurs) so that they become difference-makers who lead productive, fruitful, and purposeful enterprises and experience meaningful lives of integrity, serving others and making the world a better place.

Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I learn. - Benjamin Franklin

It's Never Too Early - Teenagers Starting Businesses

Established in 2011, the Teen Entrepreneur Academy (TEA) is a hands-on, learn-by-doing, one-week residential business entrepreneurship start-up summer camp for high school students. It is held annually in July at Concordia University in Irvine, California, USA. TEA teaches high school students real-world entrepreneurship, best business practices, principles of free enterprise, and "how to" start and launch their own business. Teenagers (TeenPreneurs), working in groups of 3-to-4, work as entrepreneurs by preparing start-up business plans for their own real businesses. The team with the best start-up business plan wins $1,500 in the entrepreneurship business plan competition sponsored by Citi and held on the last day of the summer camp academy.

Teen Entrepreneur Academy logo

Preparing Future Business Leaders: One-week Residential Business Summer Camp Academy for High School Students.

The challenges facing high school students and our world grow more complex every day. Our world needs fresh ideas, innovative solutions, and visionary leaders who can make them happen. These leaders are entrepreneurs. America's future is dependent upon the next generation of entrepreneurs, young people with new ideas and big dreams and the tools and training necessary to realize them.

Steve, you put on a great program. I feel much better about the next generation if what I saw yesterday is an example. Your investment in the future is wonderful, and I am proud that Concordia is thinking of the future when you put such programs together. Kudos to you!
- Frank Singer, Business Plan Competition Judge, Founder, Tech Coast Angels

This hands-on training is available at a summer business academy at Concordia University through our innovative Teen Entrepreneur Academy (TEA). It's never too early to teach young people the basic principles of business and entrepreneurship. TEA provides high school students with real-world business training that helps teenagers become leaders with ethics and integrity. In one week, TEA will teach the principles and practices of entrepreneurship and how to start their own business.

Topics Covered: Principles of Entrepreneurship
Clarifying Your Idea Taking Calculated Risks
Start-up Budget Cash Flow & Projections
Market Research Marketing Strategies
Business Model Development Sales Techniques
Channels of Distribution Customer Acquisition
Building a Team Business Launch Strategies
Outline a Business Plan Investor Presentation
Elevator Pitch Raising Investment Capital
Business Plan Competition

Students learn how to realize the business ideas or the passion in their hearts for business. Faculty from Concordia's School of Business and Economics, local successful business leaders, and entrepreneurs provide training. Student teams will write business plans and learn best business practices and strategies for starting a business. TEA is limited to 100 high school students. Investment is $1,250 (financial assistance available for low-income families) for United States citizen students and $1,850 for International students (US dollars) for living on campus for one week, including room, board, books, field trips, and classes.

2018 Winning Team's Business Plan Presentation

Concordia University is located in the beautiful and modern City of Irvine, California, inside of an exclusive private residential community surrounded by million-dollar homes on a spectacular 70-acre hillside overlooking the surrounding cities. The master-planned City has been rated as the safest city in America. Read more about the City of Irvine.

It’s delightful as a parent to see that my daughter Katherine felt the TEA week on campus was “life-changing” (her own words). Not only has she learned so much from the program, but also met many caring, supportive staff/mentor and friends. It made the experience exceptionally rewarding.

-Parent, Kristine W.

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