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Health Concerns are Real

  • Many illnesses, particularly emotional or mental, 当你旅行的时候没有离开,但在国外学习的时候可能会变得更有挑战性或更严重.
  • 不要以为头痛或过敏会在旅行时消失.

Over-the-Counter Medicine

  • 随身携带任何经常使用的药物,即使是季节性的(布洛芬、泰诺、抗组胺药等).).
  • 美国的一些非处方药在国外是处方药,反之亦然.

Prescription Medication

  • Take an ample, 准备好你在国外期间所需的所有处方药(如果所在国允许的话)。.
  • 一些在美国使用的药物在国外是买不到的. Check with your host consulate.
  • 随身携带一份处方的书面复印件.
  • 考虑服用医生认为你可能需要的任何药物的处方, even if you don't currently take it.
  • 确保处方是通用术语,说明所有成分.
  • Leave in original labeled bottles.
  • 把一个月的处方药放在随身携带的包里,把剩下的药分装在不同的包里.

Medication and Flying

  • 美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)发布了关于什么可以带上飞机或托运行李的指导方针. For up-to-date information, visit Preparing to Fly.
  • 要特别注意关于液体和凝胶的新指南. Currently, TSA maintains a 3-1-1 rule for carry-on items. Each passenger may carry liquids in bottles that are 3.4盎司(100毫升)或更少,装在1夸脱大小的透明塑料拉链袋中. Only 1 quart-sized bag per person is permitted.
  • 携带药物飞行时也有一些特别的注意事项.
  • In addition to reviewing the FAA guidelines, 请务必向您的航空公司查询他们的具体规定.

Chronic Medical Conditions

  • 在国外期间,继续按照医生列出的医疗计划进行治疗. 这应该包括继续服用你目前的处方药,以及计划在医疗危机的情况下使用的治疗. 一定要询问你的医生,如果有问题,他会推荐其他医生使用.
  • Take your doctor's phone and fax numbers with you.
  • Tell your host-country program director about your condition.

Physical Health

Blood & Body Fluid Precautions

  • 有些感染可以通过接触体液(如唾液或血液)或皮肤与皮肤的接触而感染.
  • Some infections, like tuberculosis, are airborne.
  • 使用常识性的预防措施:经常用肥皂洗手, sneeze and cough into your sleeve, etc.

Traveler's Diarrhea

  • 旅行者腹泻是由细菌、病毒和原生动物引起的.
  • 它很少危及生命——保持水分,必要时使用电解质替代.
  • Follow location-appropriate food and water precautions.
  • Consult the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) website for information about your region.

Sexual Health

  • 不管你是否性活跃,了解传染病是很重要的. HIV, herpes, and genital warts are incurable. Hepatitis B or C may also remain with you for life. 有些性传播疾病如果症状得到识别是可以治疗的,但如果不及时治疗,可能会导致严重的问题.
  • Always use barrier protection when engaging in sexual activity.
  • 不要以为你的潜在伴侣受过性健康和安全性行为的教育.

Consider Location-Specific Issues

  • Altitude
  • Jet lag
  • Insect-transmitted diseases
  • Sunburn
  • Heat exposure
  • Smog
  • Water sports hazards

Influenza Information

Advice from the World Health Organization (WHO)

  • 世卫组织制定了大流行性流感防范计划,你可能希望审查一下.
  • 世卫组织不建议与甲型h1n1流感病毒爆发有关的旅行限制.
  • Follow normal precautions for flu prevention: wash your hands frequently; cough and sneeze into your sleeve; get adequate rest; avoid touching your mouth or nose; don't share foods and beverages.
  • 每个国家和/或留学项目可能有各自的规则或程序.
  • 如果您在抵达后出现症状而被隔离,请致电我们 949-838-6959.
  • People who are ill should delay their travel plans.

Eating and Drinking Abroad

Food and Water Precautions

  • Food and water safety is mostly a concern in tropical regions.
  • Remember the produce rule: peel it, cook it, or forget it!
  • Ask your program staff whether you should drink the water. If the answer is no or to be careful, drink only bottled or boiled water; don't drink beverages with ice made from tap water; and avoid raw salads.
  • Avoid unpasteurized milk and cheese.
  • Eat food while it's hot.
  • Avoid food that's been frozen, thawed, and then re-frozen.
  • Be wary of consuming food sold by street vendors.


  • 在国外留学时,与酒精有关的疾病和事故可能是一个大问题.
  • 据报道,最常见的与酒精有关的问题包括学生难以安全回家以及学生发生争吵.
  • Be a responsible, intelligent drinker.
  • 记住喝酒的权利是受法律约束的,你必须遵守所在国的法律.
  • Alcohol's effects on the body depend on:
    • Food or other chemicals in the body, bodyweight, an individual’s drinking history and alcohol tolerance, a person’s state of emotional/physical health, altitude, heat, and other variables.
  • Respect other people's right to abstain.

Mental Health

Stress & Fatigue

  • 文化适应问题可能会引起意想不到的身体反应,例如:
    • Depression
    • Sleep loss
    • Appetite changes
    • Mood swings
    • Sluggishness
    • Stress
  • 压力和疲劳会损害你身体的免疫系统.
  • 在国外时,你可能需要比平时在家时更多的睡眠.

To feel better:

  • Talk to others (students, resident director, etc.) about adjustment issues.
  • 不要过度休息——休息对身体健康和整体幸福感至关重要.

Remember Compound Effects

  • 时差+饮酒+压力+语言障碍+思乡...


Health Insurance and Immunizations

  • 仔细阅读保险单,随身携带保险卡.
  • 一些东道国或项目要求你购买额外的保险.
  • All students studying abroad through Concordia University programs are required to have insurance. Be sure to review the insurance details before your departure.
  • Note: There are exclusions to many insurance policies; please be aware of them. 特别是,许多保单不包括以下内容:“在……影响下遭受的伤害。...the effects of intoxicating liquor or drugs..." and "Injury sustained while taking part in mountaineering where ropes or guides are normally used; hang gliding, parachuting, bungee jumping, racing by horse, motor vehicle or motorcycle, parasailing."
  • Check your immunization status and update it as needed.
  • 可能需要在出发前两个月或更长时间进行免疫接种, 所以要注意这个时间表,并相应地安排你的拍摄时间.
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