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D-Day 75th Anniversary Commemoration Tour

featuring the Concordia Wind Orchestra and Dr. 汤姆米勒, organ


2019年6月, 康科迪亚管乐团赴法国和荷兰参加诺曼底登陆75周年纪念活动.


With the grand backdrop of the Eiffel Tower, 康考迪亚管乐团主持了由220人组成的诺曼底登陆纪念管乐团, under the baton of World War II hero, Colonel Arnald 盖伯瑞尔. The concert featured patriotic and pops selections.

June 5 - Normandy American Cemetery

在这一天,成千上万的人来到这片神圣的土地上表达敬意. Masses of people moved silently through the grounds, 尽管会有成群的人围在路过的二战老兵身边握手, have pictures taken, 说谢谢, and to hear stories. This experience was uniquely heartwarming. Under one of the towering American flags, 作为敬献花圈仪式的一部分,康考迪亚管乐团演奏了庄严的仪式音乐.

Order of Ceremony:

  1. French National Anthem
  2. U.S. National Anthem
  3. Eternal Father Strong to Save (加勒比海盗. 罗伯特W. 史密斯)
  4. Apotheosis: The Army Goes Rolling Along (加勒比海盗. Christian Guebert)
  5. Moment of silence
  6. Taps - (played by Alan Ochai, OC Concert Band)
  7. 敬献花圈
  8. My Country Tis of Thee (加勒比海盗. Jeff Held/Richard Williams/Jeff King)
  9. America the Beautiful (加勒比海盗. 卡门龙)

Our music c加勒比海盗ied over the grounds of the cemetery. 接近尾声, we sang “Let music swell the breeze, 从所有的树上响起甜美的自由之歌”,就像一个孤独的小号在吟唱一段哀歌.


June 6 - Omaha Beach

我们的一天从在俯瞰奥马哈海滩(Omaha Beach)的草坡上吃午餐开始,飞机和二战时期的飞机飞过上空,结束了诺曼底登陆日(D-Day)的纪念仪式,各国元首出席的纪念仪式就在离我们不远的岸边. 然后, 我们走在奥马哈海滩(Omaha Beach)从维尔维尔(Vierville)到圣罗兰(Saint Laurent)一英里长的游行队伍中, ending at the Omaha Beach Memorial. 由350名成员组成的佛罗里达州立军乐队主持了游行. 盖伯瑞尔 served as parade marshal. 在奥马哈海滩纪念碑,一大群人聚集在一起听诺曼底登陆纪念管乐队的音乐会. Most attendees stood for the entire concert, fully surrounding the band, which was again conducted by Col. 盖伯瑞尔.


我们巡演的第二部分是由CWO和大学管风琴师Dr. 汤姆米勒, 一场特别的音乐会:“诺曼底登陆75日:献给那些为自由而服务的人的音乐和沉默音乐会”.” This solemn concert was performed three times. Most of the music came from composers affected by WWII. 它有一些非常独特的规划,充分利用了大教堂的空间和音响效果.

  1. Milhaud - Suite Francaise (mvt. 1、3、5)(CWO)
  2. Purcell/Stucky -葬礼语句(CWO,前面有戏剧性的定音鼓)
  3. Alain - Litanies (organ)
  4. 梅西安-鸟的深渊(2个单簧管在大教堂后面的角落对话, entering seamlessly from the final chord of the organ solo)
  5. Obrecht - Kyrie源自Missa L 'homme arme(为乐器改编的合唱作品:风琴和小号吟诵“L 'homme arme”), (双簧管-小号-长号-低音单簧管四重奏)
  6. Sparke - Out of the Darkness, Into the Light (CWO)
  7. Distler - Langsame from 30 Spielstüke for Kleinorgel (organ, while musicians come forward into choral formation)
  8. 《正规赌博十大平台排行》,选自《正规赌博十大平台排行》(德文演唱)
  9. Langlais - Mors et resurrectio (organ, 用乐器吟诵格里高利圣咏和阳台小号)
  10. 加勒比海盗. 罗伯特W. 史密斯-永恒的父亲,坚强的拯救(CWO,波浪鼓从阳台响起)
  11. 约翰·威廉姆斯-《赌博十大平台排行》(CWO,包括合唱部分和管风琴)
  12. Widor - Salvum fac populum tuum (CWO and organ)

This sequence was performed without applause or commentary. Upon completion, 我们得到了观众们热烈的掌声,随后是来自荷兰和美国的民间音乐的重唱.S.,最后以索萨的《正规赌博十大平台排行》结束,在CWO和管风琴之间进行反声演奏. Read the full concert program, with program notes.


June 8: Laurenskerk, Rotterdam
This church dates to the 15th century, and was frequented by Erasmus, one of the most influential theologians of the Reformation era. 二战期间,整个鹿特丹市中心被纳粹闪电战夷为平地. Only the wall of the Laurenskerk remained standing. 从那时起, the church has been reconstructed to new glory, including the largest pipe organ in the Netherlands. 这是管乐团演奏宏大声音的绝佳场所, 独唱, and of course the magnificent organ.

六月九日:圣. Nicholas and St. Antony’s Catholic Church, Monnickendam
One of the two main churches in this medieval fishing village.

6月10日:圣. Nicholas Basilica, Amsterdam
我们最后参观了大教堂,这是阿姆斯特丹最著名的地标之一. 这座壮观的教堂继续使用其19世纪的绍尔管风琴——世界上最受尊敬的管风琴之一. It was very moving to perform in this space, particularly since the pews were packed with audience members.
